Introducing the 2024 season of musical talent judges!
Their baby whimpers for attention, cries at meal time, and sibling play barks let us know that they are well qualified to critique anyone who hits the stage.
Richie (male)
Luke (male)
Katie (female)
Welcome to fosters Luke, Richie, and Katie. We love you already!
These babies are 4.5ish weeks old. Mom (a lab/golden mix) was poisoned (by a suspected neighbor). Dad was either the springer spaniel or the St. Bernard of the home.
These babies are accepting applications now, however it will be a while before they can go to forever homes.
Daphne’s kittens are eleven days old now, and they’re growing by leaps and bounds! Folks say kids grow like weeds, but they’ve got nothing on newborn kittens.
The kittens have doubled in size already. They’re getting more active, learning to meow, and — this is a biggie — THEIR EYES ARE OPENING!
Blink! Blink!
I love that cute little face!
Of course, with more activity comes new challenges — like how to get a nap when your siblings are bound and determined to belly up to the milk bar. Even if that means sticking a foot in your mouth or shoving you out of the way.
If you ask him, that kitten says he was roaring at the end, not yawning. Whichever it was, it was cute!
Daphne is also making the kittens take on some of the responsibility for keeping themselves clean.
Well, they’re young. They’ll get better at it.
Oh, and you’ll be happy to know that the kitten that had that loooooong umbilical cord still attached has dropped it.
As for Daphne, she’s like a whole different cat!
We’ve learned that treats are her weakness. And she loves to be petted. We are no longer allowed to go into Chad’s office without paying the Daphne toll — which essentially amounts to petting her. And petting her. And petting her some more.
She spent some time today sitting on the bookcase by the window, behind Chad, watching the birds in the yard. It’ll still be several weeks before the kittens are weaned and Daphne can start looking for her forever home. But when she does, I have no doubts that someone will fall in love with her fast.
It might be only February, but Fable the foster kitten is sampling some pumpkin. And by some pumpkin, we mean a couple spoonfuls.
Fable was born in late September 2019. He’s up to date on his vaccines and has been neutered.
Fable lives in a foster home with his sister, Rumour. If you want to meet them, come by the Next Step Adoption Center at 711 Milner Dr. in Greensboro to meet him!
The center is open Wednesday from 5pm-8pm, Saturdays 11am-3pm, and Sundays 1pm-4pm.
You don’t have to bring pumpkin, but Fable won’t complain if you do! 😉
Rescued from the shelter, and now safe in an ARFP foster home
Today, for the first time in 17 years, ARFP went into the Guilford County Animal Shelter knowing that we were going to give a dog her freedom. This little girl will never see the inside of a shelter again! YAY!
If we want to be able to help more shelter animals, in addition to the many that people call us needing help, we must raise some extra money. Pulling animals from shelters can be risky and expensive. We know even less about them than the others we take in, plus they have been exposed to whatever is in the shelter at that time.
Hence, an online fundraising site has been set up. Feel free to share so that we can help more babies escape the shelter.